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Stainless steel industry ushered in the Internet "turning point"

qzz10011 posted @ 2016年12月15日 14:48 in 未分类 , 38 阅读

It is understood that in recent years, China's stainless steel manufacturing industry has made rapid development. Data show that in 2005 China's stainless steel industry began to take off, an annual increase of 51.6%, and triggered the world's stainless steel production increased by 17%. But from 2014 onwards, China's stainless steel industry growth rate fell to 14.27%8 inch schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe price per meter


At the same time, with the last two years, "Internet +" policy in various sectors of the implementation of the stainless steel industry is facing the challenges of transformation and innovation. Industry sources, the Internet "turning point" is to further activate the stainless steel manufacturing industry once again the opportunity to take off, the market appears to find steel network, Harrow stainless steel, steel mesh and other electronic business platform has begun to highlight the advantages of the new era of manufacturing development.Chemical Composition Of Stainless Steel Grade 201


Specifically, although the past decade China's stainless steel industry due to policy, the international market environment and other factors to promote a broad development prospects, but the industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the traditional trading chain has been unable to get through the last Km "problem. Popular speaking, the upstream and downstream stainless steel manufacturing profit pressure, while the extensive production model has been unable to adapt to the current urbanization, the pace of development of the manufacturing industry. Observers pointed out that the current real estate industry hot or will touch the stainless steel market demand, but how to quickly achieve manufacturing transactions, production targets for the stainless steel industry is also worth considering, "Internet +" ideas should be a direction.stainless steel suppliers,stainless steel sheet


The industry also predicted that, due to China's eastern, central and western economic development is not balanced, coupled with long-term planning and market aggregation effect of other factors, China's stainless steel industry is currently concentrated in the eastern and southern China and other economically developed areas, The lack of stainless steel supply in the west. If the inflection point in the Internet to break the geographical constraints of the supply and demand imbalance in the field, will be near to meet the "along the way" driven by the Midwest market has a favorable impact on the huge demand.321 and 304 Stainless Steel Sheets

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