qzz10011's Blog

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The purchase method of glass

qzz10011 posted @ 2016年7月08日 15:40 in 未分类 , 32 阅读

1, Whiteness: Ming glass material requires no significant color.
2, the bubble: allow a certain width, a certain length of the bubble there is a certain amount, and the needle can pierce the bubbles are not permitted.
3, transparent pimple: refers to a non-uniform melting vitreous of capacity less than 142L glass, no more than the length of not more than 1.0mm in a; of a capacity of 142 ~ 284mL glass, no more than the length of not more than 1.5mm one-third cup body transparency pimple allowed to exist.
4, miscellaneous grains: means the opaque particulate debris, length not more than 0.5mm, more than one.
5, the roundness of the cup: cup means is not circular, the maximum diameter and the minimum diameter is not more than 0.7 ~ 1.0mm.6, stripes: 300mm visually distinct from not allowed.
7 cups low height deviation (skew cup low height): The height of a cup mug highest point and the lowest point is not more than 1.0 ~ 1.5mm.
8, cup thickness difference: no more than 0.5 ~ 0.8mm.
9. Cut India: that stripes or centipede-like cut marks, a length of not more than 20 ~ 25mm, width no greater than 2.0mm in a few over bottom of the cup, or send Baifa Liang, has not allowed more than 3mm.
10, Screen printing: the cup body was hidden lines printed labels, head obviously not allowed.
11, the suction cup body deflated: Cup of rugged body, head obviously not allowed.
12, rub hair and abrasions: Wipe the glass and glass wool refers to the diameter of the friction, leaving traces of the cup body tarnished, obviously not allowed to see the flat. Abrasions refers to collide with each other between the glass, the surface of the cup body scars, shiny not allowed.

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