Method for modification of automobile headlamps
From 1887, a driver lost in the dark wilderness, a farmer with a portable light to lead him home, to today's car lens group, xenon headlamps, car lighting technology has been almost in parallel with the automotive industry With However, due to mass production vehicles to cost control, so many vehicles in the factory when the lighting effect is not able to get the owner's satisfaction, so the light conversion industry came into being. oEdRo, Best LED Light Bars for Automotive
Generally we common car front lights are in the 55W wattage, basically can meet most of the night lighting needs. But some owners feel that the lights are not bright enough, so they will be replaced by the light bulb 60W, 100W, or even higher, then the brightness of the lights although a substantial increase, but also greatly increased the hidden dangers. oEdRo Light Bar Vs. AuxBeam Light Bar
As the wattage increases, the current and heat multiplied, resulting in aging lamps and lamp melting accelerated, back to the generators, fuses, batteries bring too much burden, many spontaneous combustion vehicles are due to random modification caused. Therefore, the upgrade of the lights should not increase the original car lights for the premise of the wattage. Basically, we do not recommend that you use this approach to brighten the lights, if you insist on increasing the wattage of the bulb, we also advise you to control the power within 10%. Brave Man T1 Series LED Light Bars